Saturday, 23 January 2016

LO3 Task 8: Production plan

Here is the production plan created for my audio-visual advert. The plan goes over subjects such as potential time scales, budget, contents fonts, colors and layout.

Friday, 22 January 2016

LO3 Task 7: Release and consent form (Signed)

Here are the R&C forms I created, signed and dated in preparation for the production stage of making the advert. Signed by all 5 participants.

Thursday, 21 January 2016

LO3 Task 7: Script

Here is my original script, created for my Audio-visual advert voice over

After creating the script I decided to change my idea of having my uncle do the voice over and use Paul (college caretaker) as he had a more neutral sounding voice compared to an sheffield accent.

Here is the updated finished script

This will be the script used in the final audio-visual product.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

LO3 Task 6: Gantt Chart

Here is the gantt chart plan I created to order my unit and set out my idea for my advertising campaign.

LO3 Task 5: Storyboards

Here is the storyboards that I created in preparation for filming my audio-visual advertisement.

LO3 Task 4: Treatment

Heres the treatment that I created my my unit 18 production work.

Monday, 18 January 2016

LO3 Task 3: Recce Sheet

This is the Recce sheet that I created for my unit 18 audio-visual advert.

LO3 Task 2: Risk Assessment Chart

Here is the the risk assessment chart that I created for unit 18 audio-visual advertisement

LO3 Task 1: Generation of appropriate ideas

Here are the selection of appropriate ideas I created towards my audio-visual advertisement ideas